Collaborative Effort
You may have noticed that the Arizona SARA Council's logo is the intersection of three differently colored but coordinating lines. This is not just a design element or casual coincidence. The three different colors represent the three sectors of post-secondary education and their intersection is symbolic of the collaborative work we do through SARA.
Executive Director & Council Members
Arizona SARA is made up of an Executive Director and a Council.
Lanna Dueck is the Executive Director of the Arizona SARA Council and is responsible for all Council operations. Get in touch with Lanna at ldueck.azsara@riosalado.edu.
There are nine members on the Council, three from each sector of post-secondary education in the state: Community Colleges, State Universities, and Private Institutions. Each member, working directly with the Executive Director, is appointed by its corresponding institution and oversight body. The oversight body for each sector is:
- Karol Schmidt, Dean Institutional Effectiveness and Innovation, Rio Salado College
- Stacey Hilton, Dean of Instructional Support, Yavapai College, Vice Chair
- Michael Amick, Vice President of Distance Education, Pima Community College
- Jennifer Lech, Member, AZPPSE (Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs, Grand Canyon University), Chair
- Paul Mittman, Member, AZPPSE (President & CEO, Sonoran University of Health Sciences)
- Kevin LaMountain, Executive Director, Arizona State Board for Private Postsecondary Education (AZPPSE)
- Alison Hahn, Assistant Director of Regulatory Compliance, EdPlus at Arizona State University
- Craig Wilson, Vice Provost of Online and Distance Education, University of Arizona
- Carmin Chan, Vice Provost of NAU Online , Northern Arizona University
- Vacant until appointed by the tribal college community